Monthly Archives: December 2020

This Year

As you know, I haven’t posted in quite a while, and I assume that for that, you are truly grateful. To be honest, 2020 has taken its toll on me and I just haven’t had the enthusiasm to blog. What little energy I have has been directed to just getting through the day. I got married in July to the love of my life, and that took a lot of energy. We had hoped that we might be able to have our event as planned, but of course we ended up having just 11 of us present for the ceremony at a friends’ house. It all went well and everyone had a great time, but it wasn’t the 100 guest plus gala event we had intended. We also considered having the party next year on our anniversary, but realised the the whole point of attending a wedding is to experience the ceremony and it would have been a bit much to expect people to travel cross country for a garden party. We saved several thousand dollars, which was a relief, but it was a bit of a let down to say the least. Still, we got married, and that was the important thing. I guess waiting a year when you are in your twenties isn’t a bit deal, but at our age we saw no point in waiting.

Of course, work has changed dramatically, and the increased cleaning, needing to wear masks, etc. was a major pain, but seeing as there was no choice, we just had to grin and bear it. Our hours and routines changed, quite a few people left and for quite a while we were six staff short in our department. As you might expect, management were of no help whatsoever, and pretty much just told us to stop complaining and get on with it. They made no effort to hire enough staff, so we just had to pick up more and more work with little or no regard to the effect it had on our health. I will admit to taking a mental health day and basically just decided to not give a shit. I survived, but the cost was pretty substantial.

As you can see from the above, the amount of spare bandwidth was pretty much nil, so my lack of blogging can’t really be too surprising. I suppose I went into a bit of a funk due to all the above, but I came out of it pretty much unscathed, although it was touch and go for a while. I’m through it now, and changes at work have made life much better (see “Push It” coming soon). I really can’t complain, I suppose. I’ve been working throughout the pandemic, which is more than some people have. The $2/hour hazard pay was nice while it lasted, as was the $500 bonus cheque last month, which was completely unexpected.

I suppose one thing that has also helped is that the clusterfuck of shitshows that was the election is finally over. At least for those of us who live in a reality based universe, which appears to be about 80 million people. I’m going to leave that one very much alone, as none of us needs to rehash that. I’m going to just finish and look forward to Christmas with the kids and my wife. I just hope that we all can make it through this year, seeing as it has killed far too many of us already.


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